Yesterday I performed my first jump rope school assembly program for the 2016-2017 school year. I’ve had a busy summer traveling and performing, but there’s something special about the first school assembly of a new year. I got a call a couple weeks ago from a Native American boarding school in western Oklahoma. They have around 600 students from all over the country ranging in grades from 4-12. It was a packed house and I was excited to be able to start the year performing my odd mix of jump rope, unicycle, audience participation and glow ropes at this awesome school.
Most of my shows are for elementary and middle schools, however I do end up performing a couple times each year for High School students. I think the challenge has always been convincing principals that their students would actually be interested in a jump rope school assembly. I could tell the students were a bit leery when we got started, but after running through the basics and I started demoing some of the more advanced jump rope skills that I do, the atmosphere changed in a hurry.
The rest of the assembly went great and by the time I got to my Glow Rope routine, they were totally into it. Even though I don’t do a lot of them, I really enjoy the different atmosphere I get when performing solo in front of a large group of high school students.
I purposefully kept a light calendar for the beginning of the school year and now I’m glad I did. My wife and I just sold our house and we have less than 2 weeks to get all our stuff out. We have decided that since we are never home anyway, why not just get a truck and camper and live on the road. So that’s what we’re doing. We won’t be driving to every school assembly I do, but any time we have a long string of shows in the same area, we will truck up that way. It will be nice since Alicia will be able to travel more with me. The other plus is that I will be able to focus more on my photography when I don’t have any shows. You can check out my photography page over at www.peternestler.com.
Since we did keep things light on the schedule on purpose, we do have some openings. If you are a last minute scheduler, let us know and we’ll see if we can come on out to your school for an awesome jump rope assembly program!
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